Power Quality Analyzer
Network analyzer
Comprehensive energy management and power monitoring program is the key to success for any energy provider/consumer regardless of their size. Our units can be equipped with one of the most advanced power meters in the market today.
Waveform & Fault Recorder
The PQA (Power Quality Analyzer) is designed for trigger point waveform recording.
This enables operators to go back and look at any situation that has taken place to fully understand the sequence of events in the power system. The meter supports a waveform capture function that allows users to capture and record 10 cycles before and after the triggering point whether it be a voltage sag, swell, or over current. The waveform log on the web interface allows users to view these waveforms whenever a power quality event has occurred. The log displays a table that includes the waveform files, the time at which waveform is updated, and the size of the file. The waveform file name includes the timestamp when the event occurred as well as the parameter name/event name that triggered the power quality event.
Interactive data communication
Data from the unit is reachable through a SCADA network or through a mobile application. There is also a local HMI display for “in the field” troubleshooting and power analysis.
AVE is standard equipped with industrial Modbus TCP/IP communication protocol wired or wireless for seamless integration into any existing SCADA system. Other communication protocols are also available HTTP/HTTPs Post, FTP, sFTP, BACnet-IP, DNP3 V2, SNMP V3, IEC61850 2nd edition, SMTP.
The PQA`S Ethernet module supports HTTP protocol and has a Web Server function making the PQA accessible through Ethernet or 4G router anytime from anywhere.
Fully encrypt and authenticate data communication between PQA and data server. Leading HTTP web security standard TLS v1.2 and SSL HTTPS encryption. WiFi communication is authenticated through WPA or WPA2 enterprise security protocol.
The PQA has inbuilt storage for realtime and energy logs, waveform capture, data logs.
8GB onboard memory with 1-second interval data logging capabilities.
EM Cloud
EM Cloud is a cloud-based metering platform that provides users access to data from PQA. The data is available to our customers to view, import, export, and analyze.
Data Storage:
EM cloud stores metering data such as per-phase and system voltage, current, power, energy, power factor, demand, and transients in 5-minute intervals. Also, it provides users an unparalleled granular level into historical metering data.
Data Analytics:
The cloud solution also offers a quick and straightforward data analysis tool that includes trending, energy profile analysis, comparison, consumption trends, heatmaps, demand analysis, realtime data trends, and verification.
Offers the ability to download and/or email reports directly to your colleagues for collaborative analysis and insightful decision making You can send all or select report dashboards. These reports cover key energy management areas such as Facility Energy
Consumption Trend Analysis, Top Consuming Meter Points, Deployment, Meter Point Energy Consumption Trend Analysis, Meter Point Operations Analyzer, and Meter Point Active Power & Weekdays Analysis.